Sunday, 28 June 2015

Erfurt Day Trip

 A lazy Sunday made for an impromptu decision to hope on a train to Erfurt. Erfurt is the capital of my region, Thuringia, and it is a quick 15 minute train ride from Weimar. Even though many stores were closed, (because shops are all closed on Sundays in Germany) there were still some beautiful parts of the city to see. 

the line for this ice cream at this parlour was out the door
the Cathedrals (Erfurt actually has 2 of them right beside each other)
the backside

inside the cathedral ( i don't know which one..)

this is a rock formation
Because the Erfurt Kunsthalle Art Museum was  closed for renovations, I settled for the Natural Museum instead. 

alot of the animals were taxidermic, but they actually had cages with real field mice and insects 

oddly human looking

hoo hoo


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

balcony flowers

Just the most beautiful pink hydrangeas sitting on my balcony.
Yes, they are still alive. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

LUFT // In Preparation for the Summaery

The photos that I shot this week in the studio in preparations for the final concept. 
Still deciding a title, but it will be something to do with love, marriage, suffocation, usw...

I can't believe that the process of shooting photos take so much care and attention to detail. The reflection that you see on the blue vacuum in the first photo took me about an hour and a half to fabricate with different softbox shapes, the positioning of, and light intensities. Crazy. After a 5 hour shoot, I only got maybe 6 photos that I was willing to edit. And then another 4 hours in the computer lab doing colour adjustments and touchups. #photographyishardwork

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Weimar // Lange Nacht der Museen

 Lange Nacht der Museen, or the Long Night of Museums is a Weimar-Erfurt-Jena Event that happens once a year.  You pay the entrance admission for one museum, and you can have entry to almost all of the museums in the city for one night. I got the chance to visit the: 

 Schloss Museum (Castle Museum) 
Stadtmuseum Weimar 
Galerie Profil
Galerie Eigenheim
Druckgrafisches Museum Pavilion Presse
Kirms-Krackow Haus

All within the 5 hours. 

Angriefender Hund, Graugans un Pfau

mega detailed stained glass

my favourite room in the whole castle: the ballroom 

Friedrich PRELLER, Felsen in der Brandburg

Theodore VAN RYSSELBURGHE, Badende Frauen

 FOTOTHEK is more of an archiving project than a gallery. It is a collection of people's old photo albums and memorabilia that you can browse through.  

mini photos 

someone's travel adventures

mini diorama of Weimar at the Stadtmuseum
mini diorama of the Theatreplatz